Vincke, B., Ghaoui, M.A., Férey, N., Martinez, X., 2020. Physical, Modular and Articulated Molecular Interface for Interactive Simulation. Sensors. DOI: 10.3390/s20185415
Martinez, X., Hardiagon, A., Santuz, H., Murail, S., Barboiu, M. Sterpone, F., Baaden, M., 2020. Using Computer Simulations and Virtual Reality to Understand, Design and Optimize Artificial Water Channels. Advances in Bionanomaterials, Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-47705-9_8
Martinez, X., Baaden, B., 2020. FAIR sharing of molecular visualization experiences: from pictures in the cloud to collaborative virtual reality exploration in immersive 3D environments. Acta Crystallographica Section D. DOI: 10.1101/2020.08.27.270140
Martinez, X., Chavent, M., Baaden, M., 2020. Visualizing protein structures - tools and trends. Biochemical Society Transactions. DOI: 10.1042/BST20190621
Martinez, X., Baaden, M., 2020. Scruter les molécules en réalité virtuelle, pour quoi faire ?. Actualité Chimique. DOI:
Martinez, X., Krone, M., Alharbi, N., Rose, A.S., Laramee, R.S., O’Donoghue, S., Baaden, M. and Chavent, M., 2019. Molecular Graphics: Bridging Structural Biologists and Computer Scientists. Structure. DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2019.09.001
Laureanti, J., Brandi, J., Offor, E., Engel, D., Rallo, R., Ginovska, B., Martinez, X., Baaden, M. and Baker, N.A., 2019. Visualizing biomolecular electrostatics in virtual reality with UnityMol-APBS. Protein Science. DOI: 10.1002/pro.3773
Vincke, B., Ghaoui, M.A., Férey, N., Martinez, X. and Brochot, L., 2019. Modular and Flexible Tangible Molecular Interface for Interactive Molecular Simulation Based on Internet of Things Approach. International Conference on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31908-3_2
Martinez, X., Krone, M. and Baaden, M., 2019. QuickSES: A Library for Fast Computation of Solvent Excluded Surfaces. The Eurographics Association. DOI: 10.2312/molva.20191095
Martinez, X., Férey, N., Vézien, J.M. and Bourdot, P., 2019. 3D reconstruction with a markerless tracking method of flexible and modular molecular physical models: towards tangible interfaces. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting. DOI: 10.20385/1860-2037/14.2017.2
Maes, A., Martinez, X., Druart, K., Laurent, B., Guégan, S., Marchand, C.H., Lemaire, S.D. and Baaden, M., 2018. MinOmics, an integrative and immersive tool for multi-omics analysis. Journal of integrative bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1515/jib-2018-0006
Alharbi, N., Alharbi, M., Martinez, X., Krone, M., Rose, A.S., Baaden, M., Laramee, R.S. and Chavent, M., 2017. Molecular Visualization of Computational Biology Data: A Survey of Surveys. EuroVis Short Papers. DOI: 10.2312/eurovisshort.20171146
Martinez, X., Férey, N., Vézien, J.M. and Bourdot, P., 2016. Towards an A&VR molecular tangible interface based on a lightweight RGB markerless tracking of a modular physical model. European Association for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Conference, EuroVR-2016.
Martinez, X., Ferey, N., Vezien, J.M. and Bourdot, P., 2015. Virtual structure reconstruction and energy estimation of a peptide from a physical tangible interface. 2015 IEEE 1st International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality for Molecular Science,VARMS@ IEEEVR. IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/VARMS.2015.7151724